
Author: (Norbert) Suedland, Aalen, Germany

The very compiler of own Windows resources with the definition, which mouse signals are to be dealed with at which position of the screen, here the version for the 32 bit architecture. This possibility mainly becomes to be interesting, if the starting of an own Windows application has already been successful.

The possible control parameters are ascertained by a call (with or without argument -?) of:

where the English explanation reads the following:
Borland Resource Compiler Version 5.20
Copyright © 1990, 1997 Borland International. All rights reserved.

Syntax: brcc32 [options ...] [file_name]
options, marked with a '*', are on by default.

@<file_name> take instructions from command file <file_name>
-r (ignored for compatibility)
-16 build 16 bit Windows compatible resource file .res
-32* build 32 bit Windows compatible resource file .res
-fofile_name set output file_name
-v verbose
-ipath set include path
-dname[=text] #define macro abbreviation name[=text]
-x ignore include environment variable
-m enable multi-byte character support
-cnnnn set default code page to nnnn
-lxxxx set language to xxxx
-31 build 16 bit resource file .res with compatibility to Windows 3.1
-w32 build 16 bit resource file .res with compatibility to Windows 95
-? or -h displays this message

Whether in case of a translation of this programme into other languages also all option characters are to be translated, can be discussed.

The following call seems to be sensible to use Unicode fonts for a text programme:

brcc32.exe -v -m -c1252 scripture_font.rc

Including of the resource file scripture_font.res, being generated by this, works by passing it as last argument to the linker.

Before anyone writes own files *.rc, it's gaining to first formulate the make files of the delivered examples of Borland C++ 5.02 for running them by make.exe These make files now and then work also with Borland C++ 5.5.1.

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