
Author: (Norbert) Suedland, Aalen, Germany

The important Turbo Debugger for debugging of mistakes in programmes and technical connections, this is for quickly and reliably localizing of programming errors as much as possible. An extension to source texts in Unicode fonts is recommended for future tools of this kind.

The possible control parameters are ascertained by a call (with argument -?) of:

td32.exe -?
where the English explanation reads the following:
Turbo Debugger 32-bit Version 5.0 Copyright © 1988, 1997 Borland International

Syntax: td32 [options] [programme [arguments]] -x- = turn option x off

-as<#>, -ar<#> (Windows NT only) attach to running process: s = stop, r = run, # = process identification number
-ae<#> (Windows NT only) post-mortem event handle, decimal event handle = #
-c<file> use configuration file <file>
-h, -? display this help screen
-ji, -jn, -jp, -ju state restore: i = ignore old one, n = none , p = prompt old one, u = use old one
-l assembler start up
-p use mouse
-sc no case checking on symbols
-sd<name> source file directory <name>
-t<name> start with current directory <name>
-vd<name> (DOS only) use dynamic link library (DLL) <name> for video mode switching

Whether in case of a translation of this programme into other languages also all option characters are to be translated, can be discussed.

The following call enables a detailed error search of an already executable programme, if its generating files have been prepared for debugging and have not yet been deleted:

td32.exe -p wmain.exe ‼command‼.txt *.c

Here, the last both arguments are the call parameters for the programme wmain.exe.

For the first, the Turbo Debugger should be started by an own batch file, which permanently contains the option -p and where the scripture font of which has been set to pixels (8 x 12) to debug in 8 bit font.

The Turbo Debugger does not belong to the delivery spectrum of the meanwhile free Borland Compiler 5.5. The Turbo Debugger 5.5 can yet be obtained freely at:

bcw.exe (next contribution) Table of Contents make.exe (previous contribution)
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